written & illustrated by Amelia Rozear
the Curious Travels Tarot Guide
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the Major Arcana
The Major Arcana represents universal themes that influence and are ever-present in our lives. This collection of 22 cards, each representing a “big-picture” archetype, is the foundation and core of the deck.
The Fool
The Fool is bright and optimistic, eager to jump into the unknown. He descends from another world up in the trees to reach his hand into the mouth of a crocodile, the reality of which seems to be the last thing on his mind. Instead he’s a dreamer, thinking about what might happen if he reaches the golden flower he so desperately wants.
Upright: You are running towards a goal, blinded by wonder and mysticism. Your curiosity can open doors to wonderful and amazing things, but make sure to always consider the different variables in every situation. Think things through.
Reversed: You are behaving recklessly, blinded by your own excitement and curiosity. While your ambition is admirable, you might be sprinting down a road that leads to nowhere. In the worst-case scenario, your ignorance might lead to devastation. Pause for a moment, you might recognize your faults before things get too out of hand.
The Magician
The Magician is dressed in red as he stands beneath a tree with a wooden face. A Celtic infinity symbol sits atop its branches. As the tree reaches for the sky, the Magician points his wand to the earth, symbolic of the material and spiritual realms working together in harmony. The Magician utilizes these natural and divine forces to manifest his goals.
Upright: You are insightful and inspired, able to manifest your ideas by drawing power from a higher place. This card calls you to recognize all of the resources at your disposal and asks you to take advantage of them. Although you are encouraged to move forward, make sure you understand why your goals are so important before you begin. This will build a strong foundation for any future endeavors.
Reversed: You might have a lot of ideas, but you lack inspiration and general willpower. You might not understand what you are doing all of this for, and it is rendering you unable to execute your ideas to their fullest potential. Perhaps you are wielding power for all of the wrong reasons. Ask yourself what needs to change, and take action to better yourself and try again.
The High Priestess
The High Priestess sits between two pillars, her face hidden behind a veil. She is the connection between the conscious and the subconscious, the link between two realms. The pomegranate she holds represents the divine feminine, as does the crescent moon hanging over her head. They also refer to fertility, either in terms of physical reproduction, or ideas that might bear fruit. She is wise, enlightened, and powerful.
Upright: Trust your intuition, for it’s coming from a place of subconscious knowledge. The voice in your head might be trying to tell you something, so pay attention to your dreams and inner thoughts as you pursue your goals. Cherish and encourage the divine feminine within yourself and the forces around you, regardless of your own sex.
Reversed: You are prone to being swayed or influenced by other people, and it might stem from a lack of self-assurance. The chaos of the outside world has overwhelmed your inner voice, and you are struggling to hear it. Consider taking some time to yourself, to refocus your energy and reconnect with your intuition.
The Empress
The Empress exists in harmony with Mother Earth. Behind her a rich forest thrives, and locks of wheat sprout from the crown of her head. The pomegranate she holds is symbolic of fertility and abundance. Twelve stars float around her eyes, representative of the twelve months of the year.
Upright: The Empress calls you to actively take care of yourself. Pay attention to what brings you joy even in the smallest moments, and embrace them as part of yourself. As you connect with yourself and the world around you on a different level, you will invite new ideas and opportunities into your life.
Reversed: You feel uninspired and frustrated, as though a new idea is just out of your reach. Forcing inspiration seldom works, so try to take a breath and exist in the moment rather than busy yourself. This stress has caused you to overlook and ignore the small things, which can sometimes bring the most joy. Try to recognize your obsessive tendencies, and let go. This will lift a weight and allow you to see the world from a new perspective.
The Emperor
The Emperor is the father figure of the deck, sitting on a throne with the world in his hand. An ankh loops around his neck, an Egyptian emblem for life that grounds him to the earth over which he rules. He is heavily connected to Aries, which is represented through his ram-skull face. Rational and executive, the Emperor approaches life with a strong intellectual foundation.
Upright: You hold immense decision-making power, and you use this strength to protect and provide for the important people in your life. Do not be afraid to take on new leadership roles and assert yourself as someone to be respected. Trust your instincts and work strategically as you pursue your projects.
Reversed: You might be prone to close-mindedness and believe that you alone hold all of the right opinions. This might cause you to stand up to authority, as well as turn your relationship with power into a skewed one. Perhaps you are deeply insecure and project your shortcomings onto other people, or run from leadership roles instead of embracing them. Whatever it may be, take time to remedy the power dynamics at play.
The Hierophant
The Hierophant symbolizes righteousness and intellect, as well as the sacred duties of a teacher. He is the expression of religion and inspiration, complimentary to the High Priestess, who represents inner manifestation. A three-tiered crown rests upon his feathered head, symbolizing the conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious realms over which he rules. He is pictured in this deck as an owl, and shares his wisdom with two followers listening intently beneath him.
Upright: Take time to learn from a qualified mentor if you are practicing a new craft. Think of it as paying your dues, or putting in the grunt work before seeing the fruits of your labor. This card also calls you to seek out guidance before making big choices, and to honor tradition.
Reversed: This card encourages you to trust yourself instead of following other people. Sometimes you are the most qualified person in your life, and you need to draw from your own experiences and life lessons in order to make decisions. This card also suggests that there might be a reason for you to challenge societal standards and traditions in your life to make room for active change.
The Lovers
The Lovers are imagined here as two young elephants, completely devoted and entranced by each other underneath a divine eye. These elephants exist somewhat outside of older interpretations of this card regarding womanhood and gender. Instead, they focus more on general expressions of love and finding healthy balances in a relationship. Their trunks are intertwined between them, a physical expression of love. It may look easy, but it is a delicate dance to maintain-- pull too hard and you might strangle your partner, relax too much and you could lose them. There is more to relationships than just physical expression, such as emotional and spiritual needs.
Upright: You are building lots of healthy connections, both romantic or platonic. This card could point to the finding of a soul mate, and calls you to be vulnerable as you meet new people. Practice open communication, and keep working to better yourself for the sake of your relationships.
Reversed: This card suggests that there is a lack of communication in your life, specifically regarding your loved ones. You could be feeling as though you have hit a rough patch with a friend or significant other, perhaps due to unspoken unrequited feelings. Prepare to make difficult decisions in the future.
The Chariot
The Chariot is triumphant and proud, in tune with life and the forces around him. He controls his horses not through reins, but through sheer force of will. The laurel floating around them suggests that most of the time, his conquests are victorious. The horses are black and white, each facing different directions, which can allude to potential conflict. Despite this omen, the charioteer takes action to move past roadblocks and achieve his goals.
Upright: You are rich with raw willpower and strength. Take this card as direct encouragement from the universe, a green light to focus and take action on your greatest goals. As you make progress, you might hit obstacles on your path. Be courageous and resilient-- you will get through this.
Reversed: You are facing burnout and intense creative blocks. Not only has this drained you of motivation, but it has also prompted strong feelings of doubt. You suddenly aren’t sure why you have committed to this project in the first place. Take time to reflect on your goals and refocus your energy before starting again.
Within the Strength card, flowers adorn the mane of a great lion, who holds a sleeping woman in his arms. They are both tranquil and pleased by each other’s company, wrapped up in the nature around them. While the lion is instinctual, passionate, and sometimes dangerous, the woman has no qualms about napping nearby. In fact, she relaxes him with her calm aura, which will allow them to build a trusting relationship.
Upright: You are confident and proud of your inner strength. Your aura might not be the loudest, but should not be underestimated. It holds the power to influence those around you, subtly or otherwise. You are blessed with the awareness that to get things done, you must act smartly, not impulsively.
Reversed: You are facing emotional burn-out, and a lack of self-esteem. As you try to work through this, attempt to learn how to regulate explosive emotions instead of acting impulsively on them. Consider taking some time to yourself for a while to recharge.
The Hermit
The Hermit walks out from the darkness, a lantern lighting his path. The Seal of Solomon covers his face and obscures his humanity, suggesting that he has ascended to a higher state of being. He does not know exactly where he is going, nor does he need to. He trusts himself and the world around him, finding the answers as he goes.
Upright: You are prepared to leave distractions behind, choosing to pursue contemplation and isolation for the sake of self-discovery. Let the answers find you naturally, when they choose to reveal themselves to you. This card calls you to take a break from materialistic society and social media.
Reversed: You are cutting yourself off from society, and becoming too absorbed in your own problems. While this can be great at times, specifically for self-reflection and discovery, it is causing you to dismiss your friends and family. Remember that there are people who love you, and your absence does not only affect your life, but theirs as well.
Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune represents constant change and the stability you will need to survive it. It is a card heavy with visual symbolism to represent this change. The symbols for Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo & Taurus rest inside the snake Typhon, an Egyptian god that descends from a higher plane into the material world. The sphinx mirrors Anubis, the Egyptian god of death, both of which rest below the wheel. Wings encompass the wheel, suggesting that no matter how chaotically it spins, there will always be some sort of stability.
Upright: Appreciate the peaceful moments while they are here. Life can be completely random at times, as if everything has been thrown haphazardly onto a spinning wheel. Remember that difficult times will eventually pass, and that you must learn to adapt to unpredictability.
Reversed: This card encourages you to take responsibility for your past actions, and to learn from your mistakes. Currently you feel extremely helpless, as though you have no control over your life, and it is causing you to resist change. Accepting your past faults and preparing for new developments will help you regain some semblance of control in your life.
Justice walks a tightrope between two pillars, similar to the High Priestess. She holds a scale as she walks, balancing herself as well as her mind. She knows that every decision yields consequences, and she is prepared to take an impartial role in order to be as fair as possible.
Upright: Prepare to be judged for your past actions, and attempt to take the final verdict gracefully. Consider how your future choices will affect yourself and those around you. When you approach a new decision, try to pull from your core values and pick whatever answer you feel comfortable defending.
Reversed: You might be trying to justify your past actions in order to avoid guilt or blame. You must acknowledge the truth and self-reflect in order to make peace with your situation. Once you do so, you will be able to rebuild bridges and move past it.
The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man dangles from a rickety branch, suspended in time. He views the world from a different perspective, as he is connected to the divine as well as the material universe. While his situation might seem sticky, he appears very calm, enlightened by the sights around him. The snake entrapping him serves both as an anchor and an omen, suggesting that you shouldn’t fight against seeing things from a new perspective--lest you heed the consequences.
Upright: If you do not decide when to take a break, your body, outside forces, or the universe will decide for you. Open your mind to new opportunities during times of rest, even if you believe this is inconvenient.
Reversed: You are taking on too many tasks in order to distract yourself from your anxieties, and you are not seeing any payoff. This is sending you spiraling into frustration, as you feel as though you have sacrificed an immense amount of time and energy for no reason. Do not dwell on this for too long, as that is not productive. Instead, try and pick up the pieces and move forward, or perhaps take a break to rethink your ideas.
Death is dressed in black against the sunset, wielding a golden scythe on which a figure lies dying. Two other figures try to avoid this fate, pleading for their lives despite the existential truth: death will come for everyone. A mystic rose hovers above the hooded figure, representing change and immortality. This suggests that death is merely a change in physical planes, a mysterious new beginning. While this card seems daunting, there is comfort in knowing that everyone will go through this transformation one day, metaphorically and literally.
Upright: Something has ended recently. This time of transition calls you to be open to new possibilities and opportunities, as you must let go of the old in order to experience the new. Take inventory of the relationships and material things that are bringing you stress, and cut them out of your life.
Reversed: You are resisting change, and dredging up things from the past as you do so. Dwelling on past events has never helped anyone, and it will inhibit your ability to grow as a person if you do not let go. To help yourself, consider going through this personal transformation away from other people.
Temperance is an angel, balancing between the grounded earth and flowing water. Despite this boyish interpretation, Temperance does not conform to one gender. They have traveled far, coming from someplace beyond the distant hills, a gold crown blinding them from unnecessary distractions and biases. They will always listen to their inner voice and take the high road when challenged.
Upright: You are patient and stable in most aspects of your life. Over time you have achieved wonderful strengths, specifically your ability to maintain a calm temperament in difficult situations. Always striving to achieve peace and harmony, you are able to set aside biases and acknowledge all different perspectives.
Reversed: You might be over-indulging in some aspects of your life, so take a step back and remind yourself of your priorities. Something is getting in the way of your usual routine, and you must figure out what it is before you try to move forward. Once you make these necessary changes, you will restore flow and balance to your life.
The Devil
The Devil dawns a goat skull with the wings of a bat, representing the Horned Goat of Mendes. He holds a man and a woman beneath him, chained by their necks. They are seduced by the promise of instant gratification. The chains are rather loose, suggesting that the couple could escape if they truly wanted to. As they remain, small horns start to sprout from their heads, an expression of the evil and animal instincts that will eventually overcome them.
Upright: You may be seduced by short-term pleasures such as addiction and unhealthy relationships. Acknowledge that you have control over the negative forces in your life, and take action to remedy them. This will take a lot of time and energy, but the end result will be well worth it. Remember to set clear boundaries for yourself in dubious situations.
Reversed: Release yourself from self-doubt and any limiting beliefs you might have. Willingly (and carefully) explore your dark thoughts and fears in order to understand what might be holding you back. Work to forgive your intrusive thoughts, as this will reduce a lot of anxiety in your life.
The Tower
The Tower stands dubiously amidst unrelenting chaos. Lightning cracks as a figure plummets into hungry flames, eating away at the structure’s foundation. Perhaps if it had been built on sturdy ground, the tower would not collapse so easily.
Upright: Change is coming in its most chaotic form. It will be intense and possibly hard to accept, but ultimately, it is for the greater good. This change might hurt because it goes against false assumptions or your inner belief systems, but you will be able to rebuild and adapt to this new reality in time. Take this as a warning to examine any unstable foundations you might have in your life.
Reversed: You are not waiting for the universe to throw your life into chaos. Rather, you have roundhouse kicked yourself into a spiral of self-reflection and upheaval without any specific prompting. You are questioning everything and demanding answers, trying to evolve as a person. Do not resist this urge to change, as this will bring more stress into your life.
The Star
The Star sits at the edge of a water bank, one foot submerged and the other on land. She is tapped into the conscious and subconscious, represented by the cups resting in each of her hands. The earth around her is green and fertile, and she cares for it as if it is an extension of herself. Similar to Temperance, she is intuitive and in tune with her inner voice.
Upright: You can finally relax after going through a big change. Listen to your emotions and choose to prioritize yourself over external distractions, you deserve it. Letting yourself breathe might also give you the time to appreciate the other people in your life.
Reversed: You might feel hopeless in the face of change and challenges, questioning higher powers and wondering why things are going this way. This might cause you to dissociate and tap out of society, as you might not find joy in the things you once loved. Beware of depression, and take time to heal.
The Moon
The Moon faces down towards the earth between two towers, elevated to a higher plane. A pool of water rests below it. A crayfish reaches up towards the moon, exploring the subconscious world of dreams and innermost thoughts.
Upright: Past traumatic events might be resurfacing in your subconscious mind, bringing you anxiety in your day-to-day life. You might not know the root of these anxieties yet, but do not be afraid to explore and examine your fears. Lead with your emotions, go with your gut. Consider writing down your dreams.
Reversed: You are making great progress in tackling your fears, either through therapy or on your own. You might be having confusing dreams or intrusive thoughts--do not shy away from them. Revisit them at a later time to try and understand where they are coming from.
The Sun
A person sits on a white horse, signifying purity and innocence. Above them the sun shines brightly across the earth, watching over the young equestrian. Four sunflowers burst in the sky, representing the minor arcana as well as the four elements.
Upright: You have an entrancing personality that brings happiness to those around you. You radiate warmth and comfort. If you allow yourself to embody this joy, good things will begin happening all around you. Be prepared to go out into the world and make memories.
Reversed: You might be feeling depressed or worn down by your day-to-day routine. Feel free to let yourself rest and pursue things that actively make you happy, rather than just obligatory tasks. Reconnect with your inner child.
Judgment draws the dead from their graves to face a divine presence, typically viewed as the Archangel Gabriel. They wait to be accepted into the heavens. The divine eye holds the power to deem them worthy or send them away, and it will consider every variable in its decision.
Upright: You have been doing a lot of healing and growing lately, so you are well-equipped to handle big decisions coming your way. You will need to trust yourself and your own judgment going forwards.
Reversed: You fear judgment from other people, so you have been hiding certain aspects of your life. A lot of this perceived judgment is self-imposed. Go easy on yourself and embrace what you love; the world will open up to you.
The World
A woman floats on a circus ring, and with it, she embodies the World. One leg is pointing forward out of the ring, suggesting that she is ready to move somewhere new. Despite this, she seems very content leaning back, contemplating her past. Animals representing Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio rest in the four corners in quiet support, similar to the wheel of fortune. They encourage her to step into the next phase of her life.
Upright: You have achieved something wonderful, and you should feel very proud of yourself. Take a moment for congratulations, and make sure to rest before beginning something new. Make time to do something special to celebrate these accomplishments.
Reversed: You might be very close to completing a big project, but you have started to cut corners. Remember that quality work and thoroughness are more important than getting something done quickly. It might feel like you are running a marathon, but you are so close to the end! Take a moment to catch your breath so that you can finish strong.
the Minor Arcana: Suit of Wands
The Suit of Wands is linked with the element of fire and salamander folklore. In the lifespan of an idea, Wands represents the initial spark— the birth of something new, with the potential to roar to life later down the line. This suit is full of energy & excitement for new opportunities.
Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands represents new ideas sprouting up out of your fingertips. These ideas might not be fully developed yet, but they have lots of promise so long as you put in the hard work and see them through to fruition.
Upright: This card suggests the potential of new ideas and encourages you to connect with the creative energy around you. This could be the sign you need to fully commit to an idea you’ve been pondering. Opportunities for growth are sprouting up everywhere, so pay attention to them.
Reversed: You have lots of ideas, and you might not know what to do with them. You could feel pulled in a million different directions, almost overwhelmed by your own interests. This confusion and lack of direction could lead to burnout and fatigue in the future, so take time to focus your energy on the things most important to you.
Two of Wands
A girl swings between two trees, holding the world in her hands. The creative spark achieved in the Ace of Wands is now being meticulously planned. She has the potential to swing high and jump to new heights, but for now, she is content where she is. One shoelace anchors her in place, further suggesting that she is uncomfortable moving on until she is fully prepared.
Upright: Don’t pull the trigger quite yet, whether it be for an idea you’ve been mulling over or a big decision you’ve been contemplating. Wait until you have thought everything through. You might be debating whether or not to stick to what you know, or branch out and take a risk. Be open-minded to either road, and consider all of your circumstances.
Reversed: You might have made a decision that hasn’t gone the way you’ve planned. That’s okay! This is your sign to go back to the drawing board. If you’re planning on stepping into new territories, make sure you do so with a thoughtful plan. Take time to brainstorm and play to all of your strengths, for they will come in handy on your journey.
Three of Wands
The Three of Wands depicts a woman with her arms spread wide, embracing the sights around her. She has traveled far to get here, and she has overcome any hesitation felt in the Two of Wands card. She stands in the palm of the earth as she scours the land for opportunities, potential challenges, and new ideas.
Upright: You pulled the trigger and ran with your new ideas, and it is paying off. These successes stem from thoughtful planning and are well deserved. Stay focused and stick to your plan, but make sure you take advantage of the new opportunities available to you. The more you branch out, the more roads you can travel down in the future.
Reversed: You might be feeling frustrated and disheartened because your goals have not been met. This could have happened for a number of reasons, so please don’t blame yourself. Instead, focus on restoring your confidence, and go back to the drawing board in case you decide to try again in the future. Consider all of the risks and reasons involved in your future endeavors, and remind yourself that everyone experiences setbacks in their own way.
Four of Wands
In the Four of Wands card, two bees dance together in the sky. They are rejoicing and reminiscing on their past achievements. Four flowers grow around them, setting the scene for celebration and comfort. It is a beautiful and joyous moment, and it is completely deserved in every way.
Upright: It is time for you to celebrate. You might find it difficult to relax at times, but try your best to set your work aside and give yourself a break. Surround yourself with people you love, and recognize the hard work and dedication you’ve been pouring into your goals. It has paid off, and you should reward yourself!
Reversed: You might be feeling a lot of internal turmoil. Whether it be about family issues, personal discomfort, or relationship drama, you are feeling uncertain and alone. Trust yourself as you face these anxieties, and celebrate your own inner strength. You will get through this.
Five of Wands
A handful of misguided men blunder about the Five of Wands. They each feel strongly about one thing or another, and this stubbornness prevents them from existing harmoniously. An irrational resistance to communication sets these men on a chaotic path. If you look, you’ll notice that their wands are pointed in no particular direction, and each of their gazes is unfocused, further emphasizing the nonsensical nature of this conflict.
Upright: You might be in a situation where everyone has a lot to say, but nobody is taking the time to listen. If this continues, nobody will ever achieve their goals, especially if you are trying to accomplish something as a group. Try and push for a constructive environment, where everyone feels heard. Some might not like it, but in the end, this will help remind people why they feel so strongly in the first place. Hopefully, this will direct their passion in a more productive way.
Reversed: Lately, you might have been feeling a lot of tension and anxiety within yourself. This can spur from actively avoiding conflict and confrontation, either with another person, or yourself. Perhaps you aren’t sure how to feel about current political issues, or thinking about controversial topics stresses you out. Understand that this is normal, nobody likes to feel uncomfortable. However, this avoidance could be hurting instead of helping you. Take some time to sit with this discomfort and take steps to better understand your beliefs and values.
Six of Wands
The Six of Wands depicts a horse walking into a joyous crowd, wreathed in triumphant laurels. The crowd welcomes and encourages him on his travels, confirming his successes in a public setting.
Upright: You have made it through a chaotic time in your life, and you are receiving well-deserved praise for it. Other people are noticing your strengths, and you should feel very confident in yourself and your abilities. Don’t be afraid to show off your achievements, as this will help you find a supportive community to back you through the rest of your journey.
Reversed: You are achieving great things, but you might not want to share them with other people just yet. It could be because you feel afraid of what they might think, or just because their opinions genuinely don’t matter to you. Either way, you should focus on making yourself proud. Another reading for this card could be that you have just finished a project, but you have not received the praise you think you deserve. Take a moment to reflect on why things didn’t pan out the way you expected, and try your best not to react with anger.
Seven of Wands
A mighty orangutan sits wand in hand, preparing to fend off six attackers. He looks to be caught off guard by these adversaries, perhaps confused by their or his own ideals. Regardless, he wields his weapon, ready to defend himself in the impending battle.
Upright: You have been reaping the benefits of your success recently, and other people want what you have. This can make for a very pressure-filled, competitive environment, and this card suggests that you will see an increase in these kinds of envious people in your life. Prepare to hold your ground, and do not be swayed by these negative energies.
Reversed: You have been relentlessly working towards your goals, and you are exhausted. Whether it be from real or perceived judgment from others, competitive atmospheres, or lack of reward, you are wondering if all of your efforts are worth it. It is time to reflect on what you have achieved thus far and truly ask yourself: is it time to move on? There is no clear-cut answer, but listen to your gut and you will make the right choice.
Eight of Wands
A woman flies up a makeshift staircase into the sky, where three birds hover in wait. She moves quickly, as though the rickety stairs might collapse at any moment. The birds are watching her indifferently, a quiet omen amidst the bright blue sky. It seems to be the perfect day for new developments.
Upright: You are full of energy and the motivation to move quickly through your goals. It seems as though everything is aligning for you, giving you the space you need to capitalize on this productive momentum. Let this energy flow through you and use it wisely, for you don’t know how long it will last.
Reversed: You want to rush forward and complete your goals, but you are acting hastily. It might feel painful to slow down, but consider waiting to act until you are in a more stable environment. Even though you might go stir crazy, know that this will help to refocus your energy and benefit you in the long run.
Nine of Wands
A woman peers out of a cage of eight wands, gripping the ninth in her hands. She is collapsed and weary, as though she has grown tired of fighting. She has faced opposition before and comes out on top, but this might be her most difficult challenge yet. Though the road ahead is daunting, she is prepared to see it through to the end.
Upright: You have faced a lot of challenges lately, and this one feels like it might push you over the edge. Although it might feel excruciating to endure another setback, you have the inner strength to push forward. Set boundaries if there are negative people in your life, and spend time with those who inspire you. Your success is right around the corner, and you have a strong community of supporters who are along for the ride.
Reversed: You are in the midst of dealing with intense anxiety and paranoia as you face the challenges that come right before completing a big goal. It might feel overwhelming to the point of fatigue and burnout, and you might be doubting your ability to keep going. Know that it is okay to ask for help if you need to, either from friends or family or a licensed therapist. Believe in yourself. You have made it this far, and this is your final test before you are rewarded.
Ten of Wands
A stag looks out from this card, ten wands growing off the top of his head. His antlers are heavy, and he has no choice but to bear them. Although he carries this burden, he does not look weary or upset. It is as though he knows this weight is worth something far greater than his struggles.
Upright: The Ten of Wands implies that you have added something new to your always-growing list of responsibilities. Perhaps this is an attempt to distract yourself from the anxieties that come with free time. Ask yourself, can you sit in silence? Is your mind running rampant when you try to fall asleep? If yes, take time to explore this need for stimulation. If these responsibilities are necessary in your life, remind yourself that all of your hard work will pay off in the end.
Reversed: Whether it be physical or emotional, you are carrying a weight that you need to let go of. It could be something like an extra shift at work, or feeling anxiety towards matters you cannot change. Either way, you need to cut these stressors out of your life. Write down what brings you joy, and pursue what is on the list. Odds are you have forgotten the happiness that comes with doing things purely for yourself, so listen to your body and take time to rest.
Page of Wands
The Page of Wands sits in a tree, balancing a salamander on their finger. The salamander represents this suit’s element of fire and the raging passion behind new ideas. The page feels this inspiration deeply, but is not quite ready to take action. Instead, they sit in their tree rooted firmly in the ground, contemplating their own potential.
Upright: You are flooded with new ideas and the possibilities surrounding them. You are completely infatuated with life! Feel free to sit in this curiosity, do not rush into something because you feel you have to. When you are ready to pursue something new, make sure you build your ideas off of a strong foundation.
Reversed: You might be yearning for a new project, but have no idea where to direct your creative energy. Don’t try to force an idea, this will only frustrate you. Instead, take things as they come. Let your mind wander. Whatever you are waiting for, it will reveal itself to you in time.
Knight of Wands
A flaming horse peers out as the Knight of Wands, a salamander scuttling up its nose. They exist within the fiery atmosphere associated with the suit of wands, full of energy and the passion to explore.
Upright: You are absolutely bursting with excitement, and you have thrown yourself into your new ideas! Take advantage of this creative energy, for it has turned you into an even more admirable person. Lots of people will flock to you for inspiration, so don’t be scared if you’re not used to attention. They are here to support you. While lots of exciting things are happening, don’t get swept away; stay grounded and think things through, and do not be hasty.
Reversed: You might be feeling very impulsive or prone to anger, which can cause tension in your relationships. Take time and space to contemplate before making decisions, and remind yourself that problems are seldom solved overnight. Try channeling your intense emotions into a personal project, which will nourish your creative nature as well as distract you from your anxieties.
Queen of Wands
The Queen of Wands is sunshine personified, adorned with beautiful red robes and sunflowers. Sitting on a throne with a budding wand in her hand, she smiles. There is a black cat in her lap, alluding to her quieter, darker self. She pets the cat, embracing these dark characteristics just as much as her joyous ones.
Upright: You are fiery and passionate about achieving your dreams, and you are doing so flawlessly! The confidence you exude has attracted the attention of others, and you are basking in this well-deserved attention. This card encourages you to keep branching out socially, as you are wonderful at first impressions. Everyone loves listening to what you have to say, so don’t underestimate your sway in the world. Although your louder, optimistic, “go-to” personality typically gets all of the praise, the Queen of Wands encourages you to embrace the side of yourself you choose to keep secret. Let people see all that you have to offer, as this will build a deeper sense of trust in your relationships.
Reversed: You have recently gone through an internal upheaval, reflecting on yourself and your personal values. Be proud: you are stronger and more self-assured than you have ever been before! Take this as a sign of reassurance that you are on the right path, whatever it may look like. Not all successes must be broadcasted socially, so do not worry if you are not an extrovert. Your greatest supporter lives right inside your own head.
King of Wands
The King of Wands is bursting with personality, sprawled atop his throne. A budding wand balances haphazardly on his arm. His head is engulfed in flames, which doesn’t seem to bother the salamander looped around his neck. The salamander bites its own tail, embodying a ring of continuous inspiration and the passion to explore. These visuals symbolize the raw element of fire, and with them, the King truly represents the suit of wands. He holds a person in each palm, further suggesting his true strength lies in being a leader.
Upright: Similar to the other three wand court cards, you have a confident personality that can’t help attracting the attention of others. Rather than pursue your dreams all alone, you are quite comfortable stepping into the role of “director”, using your unique abilities to lead with gusto. You also might be a bit of a manipulator, as you are so talented at getting what you want that others will trip over themselves to do the work for you. Stay true to your values and do your best to live up to your supporter’s expectations of you. Remind yourself that you have the power and abilities to create change in the world, and make the most of it.
Reversed: You are definitely a leader, but you are struggling when it comes to inspiring and communicating with others. Your ideas are unique but you are not expressing them the right way, so your dreams might just be considered “busywork” to those around you. Try to paint these dreams as goals for the entire community, something that everyone can feel proud to be a part of. Make sure you do not take their support for granted or get a big head, for coming across as arrogant will only add to your struggles. Your ambition is admirable, but you need to consider the well-being of others first and foremost. It will feel much more rewarding to celebrate achievements with your community rather than all by yourself.
the Minor Arcana: Suit of Cups
The Suit of Cups is linked with the element of water and represents deep emotion. Whether your worries relate to new life developments or interpersonal connections, this suit calls you to reflect on your subconscious feelings and honor them. In the lifespan of an idea, Cups represents the flow of inspiration during the formative stages.
Ace of Cups
The Ace of Cups overflows with water, symbolic of the energy traveling through your subconscious mind. A hand gently holds the cup, an act to assert control over this energy. Their grip is loose, however, which suggests that they are flexible and open-minded on their journey. This relaxed state of being allows the water to flow, opening the connection between the subconscious and conscious mind.
Upright: You are completely enthralled by the world and its entirety, overcome with emotion. The feeling of butterflies in your stomach is no stranger, and you are looking forward to establishing new relationships with those around you. This card reflects very specific feelings, such as the excitement of finding someone a gift you know they will love. Right now you are focused on appreciating everything around you, so don’t hesitate to direct this attention to new projects and ideas. This outpour of love can end up being a wonderful source of creative motivation!
Reversed: You’ve stumbled into a period of time where you recognize your own beauty and accomplishments, and you are completely comfortable in your own skin. This feeling of self-worth is tantalizing, and you are using it to better understand yourself and your subconscious mind. You might be afraid of losing this carefree state of being and growing depressed or unleashing deeper anxieties that won’t go away. Rest assured that you are called to release these feelings for a reason, and doing so will help ease your mind.
Two of Cups
Two snakes coil together between their respective cups, finding harmony and excitement in a little realm of passion. They wrap around and gaze at each other, completely entranced and invested in their blossoming relationship.
Upright: The Two of Cups suggests you have been making deep connections lately. Whether it be with a significant other or a friend, you have been on the same wavelength from the beginning. You both have an interest in getting to know each other, and the curiosity to learn is there in spades. Take this as a sign that this relationship is worth pursuing, so don’t be afraid to open up on a deeper level.
Reversed: You might be going through relationship struggles, with a significant other, a family member, or a friend. This could have happened for a number of reasons, but the bottom line is that the two of you no longer share the same connection you once had. Maybe there was a lack of communication and self-love, causing issues of distrust and insecurity. Take some time to sit with yourself and reflect on the situation. Once you rediscover your own self-confidence and goals for this (or the next) relationship, it will be easier to move forward.
Three of Cups
Three women dance around each other, cups in hand, enjoying life to its fullest. They understand that differences only open doors to knowledge, communication, and new experiences, and they are excited to explore that through each other. Green grass, fruits, and vegetables surround the dancers, further emphasizing the abundance of life around them.
Upright: This card signifies the inspiration and connections that come from collaborating with other people. You understand that everyone brings something different to the table, and you are excited to learn more about the people you are working with. Be confident in your own differences, for you are just as interesting as everyone else. This card also encourages you to be social and open with friends. Talking with other people can be a wonderful escape from work or other daily tasks, as well as a great way to strengthen your relationships.
Reversed: You might be feeling like a third wheel lately, or the “odd one out” from social gatherings. It could be that you are growing apart from the rest of your friend group, or feel as though your interests don’t match up with theirs anymore. Ask yourself if these relationships are worth keeping. Do they bring you more stress than joy? Take some alone time to think it over. Growing pains hurt, but cutting ties is sometimes the best way to go.
Four of Cups
A man in a red hat slouches in his desk chair, contemplating three cups before him. He is lost in thought and focused, almost to a fault. Perhaps if he leans back a little too far, the chair will fall over and he'll accidentally notice the fourth cup behind him.
Upright: You are being very cautious and choosy when it comes to new opportunities. This could be for good reasons, perhaps you are wary of people trying to take advantage of you, or you feel overworked and need a break. Let yourself say no, but always pay attention; the perfect new project might be waiting just around the corner.
Reversed: You are feeling very personal lately, rather antisocial and quiet. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, everyone needs some peace and alone time when external forces grow too loud. Make sure that your friends and family understand why you are taking this space for yourself, as miscommunications can lead to problems and hurt feelings.
Five of Cups
A depressed figure stands beneath a distant bridge, overcome with guilt and regret. The bridge and mountain range represent a world rich with new experiences, but the figure seems to be rooted in place. Oblivious to the two cups behind them, they focus only on the three knocked over in front. Similar to the Four of Cups, this person needs to open their eyes to the new opportunities around them instead of dwelling on the past.
Upright: To put it simply, you are stuck in the past. Perhaps you have been through something traumatic, or have struggled to meet your goals. Whatever it may be, it has caused you to approach life with a sense of defeat and victimhood. Maybe these dark feelings are familiar to you. It makes sense for familiar feelings to be comforting, so do not blame yourself for resorting back to them. However, comfortable or not, you will need to actively change your perspective in order to move forward.
Reversed: The reversed Five of Cups asks you to forgive yourself. You have suffered something and are blaming yourself, but it is time to move on. This card reminds you that this experience, as traumatic as it might have been, grants you new lessons and outlooks on life you would not otherwise have.
Six of Cups
Two sisters sit amongst six cups filled with flowers. The elder sister weaves the flowers into the younger’s hair, smiling underneath an orange sun. They exist under a spotlight, as if they are being watched and protected from the dangers of the town outside. It is a picturesque, innocent scene, representing the joy of childhood ignorance.
Upright: Recent events have caused you to reminisce on your past, more specifically, your childhood. You feel deep nostalgia for your younger self, and you might feel as though you have lost them over time. Take some time to go back to your roots and explore the hobbies you once loved, it might bring you a sense of peace and happiness.
Reversed: You are not content with the way your life is going so far. More specifically, you feel as though the inspiration you once held for life has died. Everything feels monotonous, and you don’t know how to fix it. Ask yourself what used to make you happy, and make time for it! This card also suggests that you might be overcome with nostalgia, almost to a fault. Remember that there are still new memories to be made, and they involve you being present in your life.
Seven of Cups
A figure stands central between seven floating cups, each holding a different treasure. He is meant to choose between them. Each treasure is beautiful, but they all hold different meanings; some of them turn out not to be treasures at all. The snake falls down from its cup, wrapping itself around the figure to emphasize the suffocating weight of this decision.
Upright: This card suggests that you are an idyllic person, quick to trust and look on the bright side of life. This is wonderful in so many ways, but beware! People might take advantage of you. If you are presented with choices, do not jump to conclusions right away. Take time to research and decide what the best (and safest) course of action is. This card also suggests that you romanticize a lot of your plans for the future. While this might make for great inspiration, it also distances you from your goals. To get concrete results you need to put in the work, daydreaming won’t cut it!
Reversed: Hyper-fixations and surface-level interests are upsetting your focus from what is truly important in your life. Everything seems interesting, and you feel like you’re being pulled in a thousand different directions. When you make decisions, ask yourself what your priorities are. Don’t lose sight of your important goals.
Eight of Cups
A figure stands alongside eight cups, filling a gap between them. She stands on a long winding road, preparing to depart in the night. It will be a long journey, and she feels the need to go alone. The moon looks down upon her path, a friend from afar who lights her way.
Upright: You are trying to downplay and ignore your problems, which is creating a void in your life that only closure will fill. Make sure you do not run from these problems, rather, walk with them for a while. Try to understand how they came about and what you need to do in order to get your life back on track. When you are ready to deal with them, you will have everything you need to do so.
Reversed: You might be contemplating two choices at the moment. One path might encourage you to move past something, such as a dwindling relationship or an unfulfilling job. The other might suggest that you approach your situation with a fresh perspective and try to better it. You probably know in your gut what the right decision is, but it can be hard to pull the trigger sometimes. Do what you need to grow confident in your choice.
Nine of Cups
A girl sits below nine downward-turned cups, obscured by a wall of water. She is perfectly content where she is, smiling as the water flows. Fulfilled and proud of her achievements, she can enjoy her rest before pursuing something new.
Upright: You are feeling extremely welcomed by life at the moment, as if everything you come across was made for you. This is a card of abundance and good tidings, so take advantage of your well-earned successes for a while. Remember not to get swept away in this idyllic state of being, for the world is still full of work to do.
Reversed: It might look like you are fulfilled in every way, but you still feel as though you are missing something. Maybe you have tried to fill your emotional needs with material goods, or have started favoring others’ opinions over your own. Ask yourself what you truly desire, and indulge yourself.
Ten of Cups
The sun and moon rejoice in the Ten of Cups, reflecting on their successes and appreciating the love they have found in each other. Two stars, their children, dance below them. This scene represents familial harmony and reassurance of a happy future.
Upright: You have found true joy in those you call family. These relationships have proven to be extremely healthy and beneficial to everyone involved, as you all encourage each other on your separate journeys. This feeling of wholeness and safety is something that you should try and keep in your life, whether it be with the same people or different ones. Trust your gut and listen to your emotions as you move forward.
Reversed: You might have entered a new relationship thinking it would be perfect, but you’ve found it’s coming up short. There is something missing, and the anxiety you feel cannot be ignored. Perhaps you are entering this relationship with insecurities that need to be dealt with, or the person you are with cannot communicate effectively. Whatever it may be, you need to take a step back and think it over. Take whatever path allows you to be the most true to yourself.
Page of Cups
The Page of Cups rests in the sea, a golden cup balancing on her head. A fish floats above it to represent the element of water, carried throughout the suit of cups. The page takes things as they come, flowing like the waves around her. This relaxed state of being opens her up to her emotions, which can inspire new ideas.
Upright: You are curious and inspired! Life in its entirety is so interesting to you, and you have let these interests culminate into new great ideas. This creative endeavor might seem very spontaneous, but don’t hesitate to run with it. Be honest and open on your journey, and you will find fulfillment along the way. Accept that you cannot know everything, and the future will forever be uncertain. This will allow you to take things as they come, and write your story as it happens.
Reversed: The reversed Page of Cups suggests that you are eager to express yourself creatively in some way, but you are not sure how to go about doing so. You might be struggling with the idea itself, or simply putting it into action. You might be afraid of failing or disappointing yourself, as well as facing the judgment that comes from an unwanted outcome. Remind yourself that these anxieties will only hold you back from success. Even if things don’t go exactly to plan, new projects open up so many different opportunities and learning experiences that are beneficial in their own ways.
Knight of Cups
The Knight of Cups is calm and collected as he pours water from his cup, absolutely swarmed by fish. They represent his suit element of water, a calm force that flows naturally. The water enters the top of his head and flows through to the earth, symbolic of the connection between the subconscious and conscious mind.
Upright: You are ready to make a move-- on an idea, a relationship, or anything else you’ve been brewing in that brain of yours. After a long period of planning and growing inspiration, you are ready to take the leap and pursue your goals. You are listening primarily to your emotions, and you are finding strength in the beauty of the world around you. Romanticization comes easily to you, and you are ready to take action and make your life just as wonderful as your wildest dreams.
Reversed: Your ideas are incredibly ambitious-- perhaps too ambitious. Dreaming big is never a bad thing, but it can lead to disappointment and frustration down the road if your goals end up being too lofty. Take some time to ground yourself in reality and create realistic versions of your ideas, this will make it much easier for you to succeed. Beware of romanticizing too much, or dissociating away from day-to-day life. These idyllic realities are seductive, but it is far too easy to lose yourself within them.
Queen of Cups
The Queen of Cups sits on a throne by the sea, a beautiful fish woman adorned with shells. She is peaceful and one with her emotions, completely in control of her subconscious mind. Ever romantic, she contemplates her life and follows her intuition with the confidence of a queen, listening to her heart along the way.
Upright: The queen of cups suggests that you have taken on an empathetic, nurturing role to those around you, being a source of comfort and advice. You resonate and listen to other’s emotions, which is a great strength in maintaining healthy relationships. The wonderful thing about your intuitiveness is that it allows you to empathize with others without becoming overwhelmed by their own problems. You take all of your feelings in stride, making time to understand and contemplate how they affect your life. This card encourages you to treasure these skills and to keep in tune with your emotions.
Reversed: You are exceptional at reading people’s state of being and are always prepared to be a crutch if someone needs you. This is a great strength, but it can also be extremely exhausting at the expense of your own mental health. Even though it might seem difficult or cold-hearted, this card suggests that you need to distance yourself for a while and recharge.
King of Cups
The King of Cups mirrors his queen, an elegant fish decked in the most glorious robes and relics. His throne floats in the sea, a place strewn with harsh waves and mysteries we cannot begin to comprehend. Despite the dangers, the king pays no mind. He is fully confident in his abilities to deal with problems as they present themselves, asserting himself as a dominant figure in tune with his emotions.
Upright: You have a wonderful ability to approach conflict with a rational mind, using both reasoning and your emotions to conjure up solid solutions. You have emotional maturity that others might not, so do your best not to fall victim to their dramatics. This logical approach makes you a great leader, someone who gives great advice and wonderful direction. Use your abilities to better the lives of those around you, as well as your own.
Reversed: You might have a tendency to impulsively act on your feelings before reflecting on their source. This will prevent you from building professional relationships and communicating effectively with others, which is something that will come easily to you if you keep your emotions in check. This can be very difficult to fix, but it will be well worth it to take some time and ask yourself why you feel so strongly about certain things. Seeking out a therapist might be a wonderful help as you begin taking these next steps.
the Minor Arcana: Suit of Swords
The Suit of Swords is linked with the element of air and airborne animals. In the lifespan of an idea, Swords represent direct action, taking control of a situation, and being proactive. If Wands represent the flames, Swords are the wings that lift you up throughout your journey.
Ace of Swords
A hand reaches out to the sky, holding the Ace of Swords. The red crown and lush landscape behind them suggest future glory and success, so long as they are prepared to brave the challenges ahead.
Upright: You have been itching for something new to learn, and this card encourages you to start looking. You have brainpower to spare, and pursuing new intellectual avenues will open many doors for you. Make sure you do not fall victim to temptation as you grow more ambitious, however, notice that the sword you hold is double-edged, a weapon of great strength and destruction.
Reversed: You are experiencing a moment of personal clarity, and you are still waiting to understand its significance. Always prepared to take advantage of new opportunities, you are excited to put this idea together like a puzzle and see it through to fruition. As you move forward, make sure your ideas are grounded in reality. This will better your chances of success, and spare you from having to go back to square one.
Two of Swords
In this card, a blind cow sits between two crossed swords. She cannot see the full scope of her situation and therefore is unable to free herself. She sits quietly, contemplating her emotional intuition with logic. Perhaps if she finds a balance between the two, she will be able to see a potential solution more clearly.
Upright: You have found yourself in a complicated predicament, one that you aren’t sure how to get out of. Make sure that you have removed your own blindfold, so to speak, and have all the information you need to make decisions. As you try to navigate your situation, you might feel trapped between your own logic and your emotions. This card calls you to take both sides into consideration moving forward. You might end up leaning into one side over the other, and that is okay! Choose the path that feels right for you.
Reversed: You are facing a difficult decision, and you are completely overwhelmed by it. Every possible solution feels wrong in its own way, and you’ve found yourself stuck between all of them. This deadlock is causing you immense stress. Again, this card calls for you to take off your blindfold and make sure you are seeing this situation from every angle. Perhaps even talking to a therapist or close friend about your options will help as well.
Three of Swords
A human heart is pierced by three golden swords. Smoggy clouds drift in the background, setting the scene for despair and, quite literally, heartbreak. Although the outlook might seem bleak, the sky is still a bright blue, suggesting that not all hope is lost.
Upright: You have been emotionally torn down, and you feel rather hopeless. Other people have not been kind to you, and have subjected you to harsh judgment rather unexpectedly. This card calls you to embrace these intense feelings, no matter how much it hurts. Running away and pushing them down will only make this pain last longer. Remind yourself that you do not have to exist within your own traumas. Eventually, in time, you might realize that this pain served a higher purpose in your life, and you will be better off because of it.
Reversed: This card suggests that you have not been very kind to yourself lately. It is a common saying that “you are your own worst critic”, but this goes a step beyond everyday insecurities. Perhaps you have been hurt before, leaving you raw and sensitive to other’s opinions. You might feel that you need to be harsh to yourself first before others get the chance. This mindset is hard to move past, but it will cause endless suffering if it is left undealt with. Take time with yourself or a therapist and work towards letting go of this self-judgment. You will not believe how freeing it will feel.
Four of Swords
A woman lies still in a bed, eyes peeled before three swords floating above her. They serve as a reminder of her past endeavors, and the challenges she has fought and overcome. A fourth sword hides underneath her in gold, a quiet reminder of the strength she holds. Although she is in a position of rest, there is a slight feeling of anxiousness present in this card. Perhaps if she closed her eyes and drew focus away from her past experiences, she might drift off into a calm sleep.
Upright: This card is calling you to rest. You have been through a lot. The chaos brought about by the Three of Swords has not been kind to you, and you might feel as though you are constantly on high alert for the next problem. After trauma, it can be extremely difficult to relax and recharge, as your mind is constantly running. This card encourages you to take a solo journey, physically or mentally, to restore your peace of mind. Carve out a new space for yourself without any old memories attached. Remind yourself of all you have endured. You deserve to feel whole again.
Reversed: You are restless and unable to relax, constantly trying to distract yourself from the turmoil you feel inside. You might use this constant workflow as a way to dissociate yourself from your daily life and problems, which can be effective in short bursts. However, you cannot use this as an escape from the burnout and exhaustion looming around the corner. This card begs you to sit in silence and reconnect with yourself. If you do not choose to do this now, your body will force you to in the future.
Five of Swords
In the Five of Swords, a man wrapped in bandages stands on a barren battlefield, his opponents sulking away behind him. Three swords are planted firmly in the ground while the other two rest behind him, reminiscent of his recent battle. He believes he stands triumphant with a well-deserved victory, but the dark sky suggests the war is far from over.
Upright: You have been fighting very messy battles lately. On the surface it may seem as though you have won, but your relationships have suffered direly because of it. Was this conflict worth what you have lost? Will you choose to keep chugging headstrong and stubborn, or will you try and win back trust? This card calls you to check your competitiveness. Not everything is a threat, and not every battle needs to be fought. Holding grudges will only hurt you in the long term, so try to let go of the bitterness and seek out forgiveness instead. While it might be a blow to your pride, it will be well worth the effort.
Reversed: You are fighting an uphill battle, and have just started to realize that winning might not be the biggest priority anymore. Perhaps you were arguing a moot point or were trying to play devil’s advocate until the end. You have finally decided to take the high road and let this go, which will benefit everyone involved. As soon as you remedy the situation, you will be able to give attention to the goals in your life that truly matter.
Six of Swords
A mother holds a child in a rickety boat, six swords balancing behind her. The swords stand unwavering in the boat, emphasizing her logical, grounded mind. She is veiled from the outside world, suggesting loss or trauma has caused her to flee. Her child looks up towards her, trusting that they will make it to their destination safely.
Upright: You are in a state of transition, moving on from the chaos of your past. This might feel forced upon you in some way, but it is a result of your past actions, good and bad. This card reassures you that sometimes all we can do is walk away and move on, sad as it may be. Ground yourself in your values and rational mind as you start anew, you will avoid many unnecessary conflicts this way.
Reversed: You may not be experiencing a physical transition at the moment, but you are mentally preparing for one. Perhaps you have stopped trying to convince yourself that your relationship is healthy, and are seriously considering ending it. Maybe you have recognized unhealthy behaviors in your life, and are preparing to seek out help. These realizations and changes of mentality can be painful to think about, but you are making wonderful progress. Be kind and honest to yourself moving forward, and do not resist change.
Seven of Swords
The Seven of Swords is portrayed by a sly fox, symbolizing themes of trickery and deception. Five swords float around his head while two rest on the ground, suggesting that he has made out rather successfully. His vision has been obscured by two of the swords, however, which means he is oblivious to the potential dangers ahead.
Upright: You are up to something. Lies and trickery might benefit you in the short term, but the risk of being found out makes the stakes very high. Remember that sneaking away from conflict seldom works out. If you are using your cunning responsibly, you will be able to approach life from a much more strategic angle, which is a wonderful strength. Beware of taking shortcuts.
Reversed: You or someone you know is ready to come clean about something. This might not excuse their past actions, but it is a giant step in the right direction and will open doors to healing. This card might also mean that you have been lying to yourself about something, or trying to convince yourself that everything is okay. Guilt, humiliation, and anxiety will be released once you accept your true feelings and past actions, as troubling as they may be.
Eight of Swords
In the eight of swords, a woman stands trapped against a dark sky. A blue ribbon loosely wraps around her eyes, blocking out the world. At first glance, it may seem as though she is completely trapped. Her creativity and intuition are stunted, too weak to help her come up with a plan. If she were to take off the blindfold and open her mind, she might realize escape is much easier than it seems. As it stands currently, however, she is far too helpless to give it a fair shot.
Upright: You feel absolutely stuck at this point in your life. Your circumstances seem hopeless and suffocating, and while this might be somewhat true, these feelings could be largely self-imposed. Are you prone to overthinking? Maybe a little pessimistic? These negative thoughts could be causing you to victimize yourself instead of remedying your situation. It sounds cheesy, but when you approach the world with an optimistic attitude, things will start to brighten up. Acknowledge that in the end, only you have the power to change your situation. Ask yourself what is holding you back.
Reversed: This card suggests that you are no stranger to self-deprecating thoughts. You limit yourself based on your own negative beliefs, which is ultimately holding you back. Realize that just because you think you can’t do something does not make a goal impossible. Cut yourself some slack, and try new things with an open mind. You can rewrite your mentality into a more positive one, and you’ll find it will bring you a world of joy.
Nine of Swords
A woman weeps in the Nine of Swords, reeling from a recent nightmare. She tries to hide from her anxieties by burying her face in her quilt, but sadly, she cannot escape what exists in her own mind. Nine swords line the wall behind her, an omen of these dark fears.
Upright: You are dwelling on your deepest fears, and it is keeping you up at night. The more you worry, the more anxious and paranoid you become. This stress will build into an obsession, which could end up having serious power over your life. Talking to a therapist or close friend might help contextualize these fears and paint them in a new perspective.
Reversed: You are experiencing serious irrational fear, and it is causing you to spiral. Similar to the upright reading of this card, these thoughts will only build if left undealt with. You might also be feeling a great amount of self-hatred and frustration for feeling this way. Remember to be kind to yourself; everyone struggles with their mental health differently. It is important to reach out for help when necessary, though. Recovery is always possible.
Ten of Swords
The Ten of Swords paints a scene drenched in blood, gnarlier than most. A woman lies wounded on the ground, ten swords lodged deeply in her back. Though she is dying, she still holds her dignity close, represented by the red cloth draped over her body. As traumatic as this death seems, there is still solace to be found. The moon looks down calmly from the sky, keeping her company as she goes.
Upright: An unexpected end has brought a flood of pain into your life. You could have suffered a loss or betrayal in any sense of the word, and it has left you grieving. Know that others will feel for you, and it is normal to take time to heal from such an event. As you move forward, do not fall victim to self-pity or expect others to fix everything, for this is an unreasonable demand. Remind yourself that while it can be excruciating, this will not last forever.
Reversed: This card suggests that you know something is coming to an end, and you are doing your best to ignore it. If you push down your feelings or try to prevent the inevitable, you will find nothing but disappointment. If you approach this upcoming end with acceptance, bittersweet or otherwise, it will be much easier to deal with and grow from the pain.
Page of Swords
The Page of Swords floats above green grass, smiling at the world around him. His sword points up towards the sky, and the clouds envelop him, holding him close as the wind blows. It is a scene rich with inspiration and the motivation to act on new ideas.
Upright: You are completely taken with your new ideas, and you’re ready to run with them! All signs are pointing to yes, and this card especially encourages you to think outside the box. Try approaching this idea with a new perspective, perhaps taking a more experimental approach. Even if it doesn’t turn out the way you planned, you have the energy it will take to succeed eventually.
Reversed: You are naturally witty and have used your talents to rack up numerous achievements over the years. As impressive as this is, other people might interpret your gifts as manipulative or obnoxious. Remember that speaking hastily might not always be the best call. Consider biting your tongue next time, at least until you think things through.
Knight of Swords
The Knight of Swords charges forward on a white horse, confidently wielding their weapon as they go. It is an uphill ride and the wind is strong, but the knight does not seem to give it a second thought. Spurred primarily by raw motivation and intellectual energy, they ride on, determined to see their goal through to the end.
Upright: This knight represents the laser focus you might feel once you lock into an idea. All at once everything seems to click, and you are completely enveloped in the process of completing your goals. You might not even have a plan or basis to go off of, but your sheer determination might be enough to fuel your pursuits. Don’t shy away from a basic game plan, however; you may find yourself thankful for the foresight later on down the road.
Reversed: You are feeling trapped and stir-crazy, full of energy with nowhere to direct it. Perhaps you are stretched too thin, or you simply have too many ideas and cannot commit to just one. A solution could be to take a deep breath and calm down, let the right outlet find you instead of scouring for it yourself. If you continue impulsively, you will feel increasingly disorganized and chaotic on your journey.
Queen of Swords
Butterflies swarm the Queen of Swords, symbolic of transformation and softness. Her left hand is extended as if she is waiting to receive something, and her weapon rests in her right. She is a no-nonsense ruler and is not afraid to use her power to execute judgment. The more information she collects, the mightier she becomes.
Upright: This queen is not to be messed with or taken advantage of, and neither are you. This card calls you to lead with your intellect over your emotions and to not be afraid of setting boundaries. While your feelings offer a certain type of truth, cold hard facts cannot be misinterpreted. Offer unbiased opinions, and open yourself to all types of information. If you see things from every angle, it will be easier to find the truth, which is one of your highest priorities.
Reversed: You are being swept away by your emotions, and it is blurring important aspects of the situation at hand. Usually, you have crystal clear perception, but for whatever reason this has become hazy. Ask yourself what is distracting you, and why. In some cases, emotion should be trusted, but right now you need to view this situation objectively. It might come off as harsh, but you will be thankful for this intellect later on.
King of Swords
The King of Swords sits confrontationally, similar to his queen. Like she does, he holds his weapon in his right hand, extending his left out to the world. He relies primarily on his intellect when making decisions, but he keeps an open mind in all scenarios. A crescent moon loops around his neck, alluding to the divine energy guiding him as he leads.
Upright: Others admire your confidence and decisiveness when making decisions. You prioritize the truth over all things, dead set on keeping a clear perception through life. You are completely honest about your opinions and are able to admit when you do not have all of the answers. Don’t be afraid to put in research or seek out expert opinions when necessary, you might find relevant knowledge and new inspiration along the way.
Reversed: You are reserved and quieter than others, but your power speaks for itself. You are completely grounded in your beliefs and intellect, unwavering through life’s challenges. While this is admirable, it can also provide the temptation to use this power for manipulative, abusive purposes. Try your best to refrain from selfishness, and do not boast your intelligence. No matter how impressive your knowledge might be, pretentiousness will drive people away.
the Minor Arcana: Suit of Pentacles
The Suit of Pentacles (or Coins) is linked with the element of earth and themes of material indulgence. In the lifespan of an idea, Pentacles represents the payout— either monetarily, emotionally, or otherwise. This suit is deeply connected to tactile things. Unlike the subconscious-focused Suit of Cups, Pentacles prioritizes observable & conscious states of mind.
Ace of Pentacles
The Ace of Pentacles shows a hand reaching up from the clouds, a gold coin resting in its palm. The hand extends to you, offering wealth in the form of earthly and material things. Rich opportunities are within your reach, and it is up to you to accept them. If nurtured, these promises will bloom and grow like the earth itself, promising an abundance that is well worth your time.
Upright: This card suggests that new ideas and opportunities are available to you, specifically those relating to the material world. Think of these ideas as something you will eventually harvest. It will take time and energy, but the reward will be fulfilling in numerous ways. The suit of pentacles is often associated with themes of wealth in every sense of the word, so take advantage of these opportunities while you have the chance.
Reversed: Since the upright Ace of Pentacles suggests plentiful investments, the reversed could mean the opposite. You might hit a dry spell where your opportunities fall flat or the endeavors you had been pursuing end up unsuccessful. This frustrating time will pass, but be wary of reckless spending or hasty decision-making. Now is the time to save and plan for the future.
Two of Pentacles
A young dancer juggles his cares away in the Two of Pentacles. Two extra arms sprout from his elbows, making the toss-and-catch game far easier for him. Before a dark sea, he stands, completely unafraid. The two coins above him are linked by an infinity sign, symbolizing his ability to solve problems as they arise. He is more than equipped to do so.
Upright: You are a multitasker, constantly juggling numerous responsibilities and managing deadlines. You know better than anyone that to balance all of this, you need to operate in a methodical, organized way. Make sure you prioritize your physical and mental health. If you don’t you will crash and burn, placing you far behind where you want to be.
Reversed: You are always one to say yes and agree within a moment's notice, but trust this card when it says there is far too much on your plate! You are being pulled in a thousand directions, and you are starting to come apart at the seams. Little responsibilities will slip through the cracks, and soon larger ones will follow. Remember that understanding your limits is respectable, and you will be able to accomplish far more without overwhelming yourself.
Three of Pentacles
Within the Three of Pentacles, a pod of orcas swims in a loop, following one after the other. They are all very similar, but bring their own individual strengths when it comes to working as a team. Three coins float between them, a shared reward for their efforts.
Upright: This card is rich with themes of teamwork and open-mindedness. Your priority is not glory or lone achievements, but rather a larger goal, one that you know will require a group effort. Understand that while you might not have all the skills you need, utilizing the magic of collaboration can propel your progress faster than you would have ever thought possible. This is just the beginning, so make sure to create a thorough plan before you get too deep.
Reversed: You might have committed to a group project that is not going well. Nobody is listening to each other, and it is an extremely chaotic weight in your life. This is most likely brought about by a lack of communication and planning. Does everyone know and agree on what you are working towards? Do some people feel more entitled than others? Realize that working within a team environment requires completely different skills than working alone. Communicate your frustrations, and hopefully, you will be able to move forward without unnecessary conflict.
Four of Pentacles
In the Four of Pentacles, a man grips a gold coin close to his chest. Three other coins hover nearby, below his feet and atop his head. They are his most precious possessions. Hordes of people flood the streets around him, moving in the opposite direction. They seem to be infatuated and excited by life, leaving the man behind with his coins. He will be the victim of his own avarice.
Upright: You have financial anxieties, and they are causing you to obsess over your spending habits. This could stem from a need to have control over your life, or due to money problems you have experienced in the past. Regardless, your relationship to finances (and by extension, your work life) is becoming unhealthy. Remember that money and material possessions are valuable, but are not worth your sole focus.
Reversed: Your financial relationships have been thrown out of balance, and you are struggling to reestablish control. Perhaps you are spending far too much, or have been prioritizing wealth over the ones you love. Whatever it may be, you must hold yourself accountable and make active changes to regain power over your life.
Five of Pentacles
In the Five of Pentacles, a young man mourns the coin shattered in his lap. He is hunched over in despair, left with nothing but the clothes on his back. Two hands reach down from a coin-filled sky, a quiet reassurance to help him through his pain.
Upright: You have lost quite a lot recently, and this has caused you to feel hopeless. Maybe you have hit some serious financial difficulties or suffered a trauma that has left you raw and vulnerable. You have become so used to disappointment that you cannot see a way out for yourself. Remember that in order to receive help, you might have to set aside your own pride to ask for it. This is a temporary plight, but finding a support system will ease a lot of your pain.
Reversed: The reversed Five of Pentacles is a huge relief, a long-awaited light in the dark. You have finally noticed the four other coins above you, and are slowly but surely healing from the pain of recent events. Change is constant and, in this case, a blessing. Nurture your spiritual well-being just as much as your physical health. Soon you will be back on your feet.
Six of Pentacles
A great hand dips down from the sky, extending a balancing scale towards the earth. Similar to the justice card, it holds themes of judgment, fairness, and equality. Two people reach up from the ground towards the scale, begging for whatever else the hand might offer. This card serves as a reminder of one’s ever-changing perspective. One day you might be in the position of giver, and the next you could find yourself begging. It is an ever-flowing cycle of give and take.
Upright: You are extremely generous with your time and money, constantly aware of your privileges in life. Although you might sometimes be too quick to share, you value interpersonal relationships much more than benefiting financially. This energy will make its way back to you eventually if you ever find yourself in need.
Reversed: You are very willing to help other people and offer charity, but it might not be for the right reasons. You could be seduced by the idea of holding power over somebody or taking advantage of those in a dark place. These are all hidden agendas, and they might not be at the forefront of your mind. However, you should always do your best to give selflessly and remind yourself not to expect anything in return when you choose to provide a service.
Seven of Pentacles
In the Seven of Pentacles, a farmer stands proud in front of an impressive flower garden. They have poured their heart and soul into nurturing these flowers, and they can finally reap the benefits of their achievement. Although the feeling is ecstatic, they also feel heavy and drained. So much of their energy has been spent, and now they must recharge before pursuing a new project.
Upright: You have wonderful foresight and have no problem committing to long-term investments or goals. You prioritize the bigger picture over smaller distractions, which is a wonderful strength. It can be frustrating to wait for your hard work to pay off, but rest assured, it will be well worth it.
Reversed: Scoping out potential investments can often lead to wonderful long-term success, but can also yield disappointing returns. Know when to remove yourself from a situation or end a project. It might seem like you are giving up, but it will prove to be a smart decision in the long run.
Eight of Pentacles
In the Eight of Pentacles, a young girl sits at her work desk, practicing her craft. She is completely devoted to her creations, a studio void of any distractions. This focused environment, as well as the sheer power of concentration, will allow her to produce her best work.
Upright: You are trying to accomplish or better yourself at something specific, and you must set yourself up for success. This requires you to cut out unnecessary distractions from your life, and prioritize this work in your schedule. This is a card of commitment, so prepare to buckle down and master whatever it is you are working towards. Think of how far along you will be in the future if you start dedicating your time now.
Reversed: You might be a bit of a perfectionist, which can both improve and impair your work habits. Perhaps you become too focused on the little things, so much that you forget the bigger picture. This card can also suggest devotion to bettering yourself. You are no stranger to commitment when it comes to your work life, and now you are integrating these habits into the practice of self-care. Keep it up, your mental health will thank you for it.
Nine of Pentacles
A woman stands in a rich landscape, nine coins adorning her elegant clothes. Her dress is made only of grapes, symbolizing themes of abundance and wealth. She knows her desires and is willing to put in the work to achieve them. She is completely deserving of her bountiful success, which makes the fruit of her labor much more enjoyable.
Upright: You have put in so much hard work, and now you can let yourself bask in the rewards. While other pentacle cards suggest financial saving, this card encourages you to treat yourself. You are independent and conscious of what you must achieve for success, so giving yourself a gift now and again is completely deserved. Ride this high for a while, and enjoy the beauty of life while you’re at it.
Reversed: You might have achieved material wealth, but you still feel as though there is a void in your life. Something is missing. This card suggests you look inward to discover what it could be. Perhaps you have grown so used to working that you are not sure how to relax, or maybe you have forgotten the hobbies you once enjoyed. Whatever it may be, take some time and rediscover what brings you joy.
Ten of Pentacles
Ten coins arch over a mighty elephant, her descendants rising in her wake. She has achieved familial harmony over the course of her life and is now able to share her successes with the ones she loves. Each elephant looks in a different direction to symbolize their individual paths in life. The matriarch gazes forward, confident in her own journey and the legacy she leaves behind.
Upright: You are completely satisfied with the effort you have put into your life, and you are confident in the story you have written for yourself. During your plight, this effort might have felt painful or exhausting, but the legacy and payoff have proven to be well worth it. Not only will this improve your own life, but also the lives of the people you love. If you take one thing from this card, let it be this: well done.
Reversed: You are working relentlessly to secure a plentiful future for yourself and your family, but you might not have stopped to think about what this will look like. Does success really mean financial wealth? Is happiness really reflected through material goods and social media? Try to accept your life as it is now instead of worrying about the future. Listen to your gut and find whatever path makes you feel most secure. You will thank yourself later on.
Page of Pentacles
The Page of Pentacles carefully inspects a gold coin monocle, scouring it for clues. She wants to know where it came from and, if possible, how to achieve more. Her hair is adorned with flowers and the land behind her is flushed with greenery, further suggesting luxury is on the horizon. Her coin holds promises of wealth, abundance, and natural beauty, all of which she is ready to work for.
Upright: This page seeks riches in many different ways. Not only is she prepared to put in the work, but she also understands the true value of the wealth she is aiming to achieve, which is a reward in and of itself. She is willing to put in the effort she knows this journey deserves, and she calls you to do the same. Your dreams are worth working for, and you are charged with the energy you need to make it happen. As you progress, keep an open mind and prepare to learn. You might achieve much more than you initially thought.
Reversed: You long to achieve your goals, but you are too out of sorts to make the initial commitment. Perhaps you are stretched too thin at work or school or are having trouble focusing on the tasks at hand. As discouraging as this may be, fear not! Everyone goes through these periods of burnout, but there are always new opportunities to be found. Perhaps this will even open new doors you would have otherwise missed.
Knight of Pentacles
The Knight of Pentacles sets off on a long road, completely focused on the coin in front of him. The coin promises great success, and he is willing to travel vast distances to see his goals through. His journey will be exhausting and monotonous, but the payoff seems to be well worth the effort. He realizes that he does not need to chase glory in order to find wealth.
Upright: This knight, unique to his suit, represents true patience. He is willing to sacrifice distraction and cheap tricks for thoroughness, making him a knight morally rich and valuable. He knows that he does not need to be flashy in order to impress-- which he does effortlessly through his devotion and hard work. You share in this understanding and prioritize commitment over all things. It might grow old after a while, but this knight encourages you to stay strong and remind yourself of all the rewards to come. They will be well deserved.
Reversed: You feel as though your life has become monotonous, and you are growing a bit stir-crazy because of it. Everything seems repetitive, and you have lost the excitement you once held for your projects. You are extremely ambitious and a talented worker, but this might be causing you to ignore other factors in your life. Perhaps inviting something new and spontaneous into your tight schedule will inspire you and contribute to your projects.
Queen of Pentacles
The Queen of Pentacles sits in a tree, overcome by natural, earthly beauty. A rabbit sits near her feet, suggesting fertility and the flow of life. She cradles a gold coin in her arms, nurturing it with all of her energy and the earth’s energy around them. A beautiful and careful queen, she reigns, confident in all she gives and receives from the world.
Upright: This queen is modest and quiet, but she is just as much of a force as her fellow court-cards. She takes pride in her ability to make homely environments wherever possible, bringing warmth and love to those who need it. This motherly role is ever present within her and all aspects of her life. You share in her love of comfort, which makes you an extremely likable person that others are drawn to. This card prides independence above all else, so remember to stick to your guns and trust in your own life experiences.
Reversed: The Queen of Pentacles reversed suggests that you must turn your nurturing energy inwards, towards yourself. Lately, you might have been feeling bitter and jealous of those around you, and this negativity has turned you sour. Remind yourself of your real priorities and achievements, and understand that success comes in waves for everyone. Focus on your own needs. When you better yourself and approach life with genuine positivity, opportunities will find you.
King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles holds a scepter in his right hand and a gold coin in his left, symbolizing both his inner strength and the material world. Similar to his queen, he sits on a natural throne amidst a flourishing landscape, abundant and luxurious. He has achieved great wealth in every sense of the word, but his most impressive attribute is the ability to maintain these achievements over time. He is rich in self-control and work ethic, always prepared to make hard decisions when necessary.
Upright: This king bleeds regality, a true leader in personality and status. He is wise beyond his years and has no issue winning the trust of other people. Similar to this king, you are extremely successful, attracting monetary success wherever you go. Your strategies are tried and true, and you approach every endeavor with confidence. While you might be a harsh critic, you do so for the sake of your goals, and your advice is most often warranted. Trust yourself and the path you are going down, odds are you will hit every green light.
Reversed: The bountiful kingdom seen in the upright king of pentacles has been lost in this reversed card. For whatever reason, you have been stripped of your wealth, leaving you in a state of shock and confusion. Perhaps you were acting hastily and cutting corners, or ignoring problems that have been building for years. This card begs you to reconsider your relationship to money and wealth in your life. Do you understand the value of what you are trying to achieve, and what you have lost? Take time to rebuild a stronger, more genuine connection in this aspect of your life. When you are ready, you can start rebuilding your kingdom.
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